I found these rules on Modthesims as a sims 4 challenge. I converted them for my own personal use but I will post them here just so everyone knows the rules I am going to use.
10 Gen challenge
Starting the challenge:
First step is rolling to see which kind of family you will start with.
GENUS: Family is known for their kindness
King - Popularity
Queen - Romance/Family
Heir - Popularity,Romance,Family
Starting Money - 250.000
Repuatation - 100
Power - 0
AURUM: Family is known for being wealthy
King - Whichever one he rolled for pervious house or Fortune
Queen - Fortune
Heir - Fortune
Starting Money - 500.000
Rep - 50
Power - 50
IMPIUS: Known for being feared
King - Any
Queen - Anything but family
Heir - Anything
Starting Money - 250.000
Rep - 0
Power - 100
Every generation you must roll to determine which kind of leader your next in life will be.
Starting off your sims starting money, rep, and power will be the house you rule.. Every gen, that rules different, you must roll.
Gen 2:
Money: 250.000
Rep: 100
Power: 0
Family Added: 1/2: Working class
Gen 3:
Money: +285444
Rep: 94
Power: 0
Family Added: 2/2: Nobel(2)
Royals need staff. Hire a maid, gardener, butler, and nanny. You can also make these people and have them live in the house with you.
The palace is most important.. Your castle should include:
Master bedroom
Separate bedrooms for all heirs
Bathrooms for every room
2+ guest rooms/Servant area
Dining room
Banquet Hall
Royal Gardens
At first you will not be able to create anymore families at first. More families are unlocked by completing certain milestones. Gaining enough Rep (Having 80+ rep) or through random events. You can only add 2 new families per generation.
Once other families start rolling in you will play rotational.
The Classes:
PEASANTS: Are the poorest of the poor.
Careers available: Criminal, Military.
Lv: 2
Marriage: Peasants, working class
WORKING CLASS; Makes up majority of the kingdom
Live in cramped houses with up to 4 families living in one house. Children are educated to children
Careers: Gardener, Entertainer, Military, Artist, Writer, Culinary, Athlete
Lv: 4
Marriage: Peasants, working class
MIDDLE CLASS: Made it far enough in their careers to be comfortable
Children are educated until teen
Careers: Law enforcement, Medicine, Science, Athletic, Military, Business, Writer
Lv: 6
Marriage: Nobles, Middle Class
NOBEL: They own majority of the land.
Children go to college
Careers: All careers available to them
Lv: 8
Marriage: Nobels, middle class, royals
King and queen may not have a job. They take taxes and/or gain money when the next gen takes over. If you can't be bothered with taxes just wait for the next gen to come with some money.
May only add a household when you've had a baby. (Roll for it. Evens- Add a family. Odds- No family) Once per gen
Roll to class your citizens (Noble, middle class, working class, peasants)
First born boy is heir ALWAYS
Your royal heir can only marry Nobels or Royals
Pss - Princess
Pr - Prince
Dss - Duchess
Bss - Baroness
Ct - Countess
Sir - Knight
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